Rare Earth elements make modern day possible

Natural metals know as chemistry (REE) have made our technology powered society possible and demand for these rare earth elements is growing due to the high use of modern day electronics. Rare earth elements provide the necessary functioning factor in almost everything we use in today's society.
Hundreds of products across a wide range industries rely on Rare Earth elements, especially the technology industry. By 2011 China accounted for 97 percent of the consumption of Rare Earth Elements for production in technology such as mobile phones, flat screen televisions and electric vehicles.
Rare Earth elements cannot be recreated or replaced. Are earths were created with the extreme heat and pressure of a dying star before it explodes as a supernova. These elements accumulated over time and stars were born and died, over time these elements fell to earth and were present during the formation of the earth.
Some elements are only present in very tiny quantities many of which are used in today's electronics, the five very rare earth elements are; tantalum, silver, lithium, gallium and indium.