A New State of Matter Ice-19

A team of scientist at the University of Chicago in October 2021 have published in the Nature Physics journal reporting that they have created a new form of ice; this new form of ice has been ladled ice-19.
Ice is formed from water and is comprised of Hydrogen and water atoms, H2O; 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen. Superionic ice was predicted back in 1988, it was predicted that by heating ice to high temperatures while under high pressure would create and exotic state of matter of liquid like hydrogen irons moving within a sold lattice of oxygen.
These positively charged hydrogen irons in superionic ice and free flowing and create a magnetic field. This new state of matter in Ice-19 has some very interesting predictions for planets within our solar system, such as Uranus and Neptune. These planets have magnetic fields and this could be due to the presence of superionic ice in the cores of those planets.