Is Earths Inner Core reversing rotation?

Nature Geoscience reported on January 23rd that researchers claim earths inner core may have stopped rotating and it may in fact be starting a 70 year long cycle of starting to reverse its rotation. This could impact the Earths magnetic field and the Earths lifespan. Not all researchers again on this theory and some remain sceptical.
Researchers claim that there is strong evidence that they are seeing the inner core may have stopped rotating relative the surface. Evidence has been presented that over the years the inner core has been rotating faster than the mantle and surface but in 2009 it had slowed to a near standstill till it finally stopped rotating and is now gradually starting to rotate in the opposite direction.
Pre 2009 seismic waves generated in pairs travelled at different speeds through the inner core, this led researchers to theories that the waves from recurring quakes are crossing the inner core at different parts sue to the inner core rotating at different speeds than the rest of the earth. By 2009 these differences had stopped; suggesting the inner core had slowed. After 2009 the differences had started to appear again but the waves started crossing different parts of the inner core suggesting that it was now starting to rotate in the opposite direction.
Researchers now believe that the inner core may complete a 70 year cycle were it switches rotation roughly every 35 years.