light pollution is concealing the night sky

Artificial lights have been found in a recent study to be bighting the night sky by roughly 10 percent each year, this is faster than researchers had previously realised. Observations of the stars between a 10 year period by scientists recently concluded that the night sky is growing 10 percent brighter on average each year.
We all know the danger pollution is having on our planet, but rarely do we hear that light pollution is also having a major effect on our plant.
Bees are well known for pollinating plants, bees move from flower to flower spreading pollen helping plants to thrive. Pollination is essential for the plant to survive. Pollination is not just a day time habit for bees, other insects and animals come out at night. Some plant life blooms with the moon and certain crops depend on nocturnal pollinators.
As the night sky gets brighter we will start to see less stars in the sky and this can disrupt migrating birds and deter nocturnal animals from pollinating plants. Astronomer Connie Walker of the National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory in Tucson. "People should consider that this does have an impact on our lives. It's not just astronomy. It impacts our health. It impacts other animals who cannot speak for themselves. "